Securing R&D in OT

David Vonk

Securing R&D in OT

Author: David Vonk
Published by: Wackelsteyn
Supervisors/Editors: Klaasjan Ooms-Geugies; Rowan van Pelt; and Lejla Batina.
ISBN: 9789090366241


With new times come new challenges: industry 4.0, the digitisation of industrial processes, introduces the need for new research and development processes. As systems become interdependant, cybersecurity matters become ever more complex. Novel perspectives are required, specied in frameworks and policy, to deal with the challenging nature of large developments in operational technology.

Currently OT security is often conducted in a one-dimensional or waterfall approach: security requirements are defined and implemented once (see ch. 4 and 8.2). This research adds a dimension to this: time. Risk, risk-acceptance and thus security requirements change constantly throughout R&D projects (in OT). These changes through time must be accounted for in models and controls to ensure adequate levels of security, without threatening progress. To do so, this research combines lessons from related fields to define a two-dimensional security application model called the Secure OT Development Life Cycle (SOTDLC).

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